
Hey! This is Yana, the lady behind this fabulous blog.

This is my space, my bit of the web where I can share with you what is going on in my life and any "behind the scenes" of my shop Rife Society.

I have been an entrepreneur at heart for many years now, maybe I was "destined" for this type of life, I don't know, but it's the only thing that feels right for my husband and me. We have tried many small business with varying levels of success, but never have we stopped to think that "it's too hard" or "I don't want to do this anymore". Right now I am working on becoming a web designer/developer which has been very interesting. And I am creative engine behind Rife Society. Sewing is something I've been naturally curious about since I was maybe 13, and I've been wanting to turn it into a real little shop. So I am doing that now!

 Funnily enough the shop mainly features girls clothes and I don't even have a daughter! It maybe my secret, not so secret desire to have a girl that attracts me so much to the aesthetics of girls' clothing.

I am married now for 5 years and we have 2 boys. And......... another baby on the way!! Ha! That's a handful for someone who is only 25 and trying to run a home-based business, and learning a new skill. But really, if not now then when right??? And maybe my want for a girl will be realized, finally!

I hope you find my blog useful and interesting. Plus, I really hope you find the clothing I sew beautiful. I promise I will delve into boys clothes, a bit of home accessories and maybe even women's clothing? Oh plans and dreams where do you come from? If I'm not creating something of myself, I'm pretty much a useless human bean.

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