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A break from work

Thursday, December 31, 2015

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    Working with kids is never very easy. They constantly want my attention. Actually I find that the younger they are the easier and more likely they are to entertain themselves. And babies! They are the best in my experience. Feed them, change them, lay them down and they are good to go for a few hours. Jude is periodically coming in to ask me to play with him and Teddy takes care of his own entertainment, more or less. But work I must. I am more and more grateful that Naaman can work right now so that I don't have to. I've never held a "real" job, as in been an employee to a company and for that I am also grateful and happy. We've created our own business's and jobs and it's kept us way more interested in working for Us rather than Them, whoever they are.
    Lately I've been learning to be a web developer/designer and reading up a lot of books on investing. The former honestly isn't that absorbingly interesting but it's a fantastic skill to have in this day and age, and hey, with our independent thinking, I am seeing a web design business in the near future. The latter is very and truly interesting to me. I feel rather stupid honestly when it comes to money. I know the basics, pay bills and stay out of debt sort of thing, but not much further. And the best way I know of to learn something is simply to learn something. Sounds kind of simple eh? Knowledge is power right? So we've been adding lots of that sort of power to our thought stockpile.

A few things I've been learning so far:

1- You have to have self-control over yourself if you ever want to be rich
2- Money is a mind thing, the way we think about money and the way we think about wealth achievement; in other words whatever you believe is what is most likely going to happen.
3- Pay yourself first and pay bills second
4- Make your money work hard for you.

    These ideas have been mainly coming from the Rich Dad, Poor Dad books by Robert T. Kiyosaki, they are super fascinating to read. It's like a whole new world opens up. Is it to bold or brash of me to say that I really don't want a mediocre life? Oh, the thought of living in the same city my entire life bores me the my core. So Naaman and I are trying figuring out how to make this a reality. It's a lifelong process I'm sure, since expectations constantly change. But hey it's better than sitting still and hoping and waiting for something miraculous to happen, no?

    I can see us freelancing in some European country by the sea. The dream is real, and I haven't lost sight of it yet. For now, I'll get back to work, dreams can't wait you know. Happy New Year!

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